Yesterday, I got my Christmas tree up and RB moved furniture around for me. We created so much more room in our living room, which was what we were trying to do. We are about to have lots of visitors coming and going.
I check my blood pressure twice daily, once around lunch, and next after supper sometime. When I checked it after supper it was extremely high. So we checked it a few more times and it wasn't going down. So Britt came and checked it and it was still high. It fluctuated from 150-158/90-95. So I called Labor and Delivery, they told me to rest, as long as I was laying down, (not even sitting up a little) it wasn't too high. So they told me to call my doc this morning. I was hurting under my arms when I took breaths. So I took one tylenol PM to help me sleep, especially with my nerves really bad and I was upset it had gotten so high.
When I woke up I thought it would be all back to normal. I had a really bad headache when I woke up. (which didn't go away until this afternoon) When I checked it, still laying down without even getting out of bed it was 137/87 which is okay for me. I usually check it a couple times to get an average. I got up, walked to the kitchen to get some water, walked back to my room and sat down. I took it again sitting up and it was 158/95. So I decided to go ahead and call the doc. They wanted me to come in with it being high. They checked my bp, it was still a little high, just not as high. They did a NST and it was good. Rickar wouldn't be still! He moved almost the whole time, like moving the monitors and all. The nurse came in once cause she heard all the racket he was making! lol. I had a few contractions in that 20 minutes. Only one BIG one that took my breath away! The maching got up over 80! it also made a huge mound. BUT no pain just pressure. After seeing those, Dr. Jay wanted to check me again, eventhough he checked me on Monday. Rickar has moved down some, but my cervix is closed still. : ( It's crazy these hard contractions aren't doing anything at all. I guess they are just getting my uterus toned. lol. Back to my story: They did an ultrasound to check the fluid around Rickar, which was good. The ultrasound tech is always so blah. She really doesn't like her job i guess. :/ She didn't show us anything. We could see his legs at one point but only for a second. She wasn't even doing anything. Afterwards, she just sat up there talking to the other nurses! I know she didn't have to, but she's always like that! She could have showed us him or measured him, ugh. Neway, I hope she retires before my next one! : ) With all that said, If it gets back up, I have to go in, but otherwise I think I'm good! I have to do a 24 hour urine test. Dr. Jay said preeclampsia might be 'brewing', and if it gets 'hot' then they'll do something about it. lol. I start it Sunday. Which sucks cause Saturday and Sunday I'll be in the deer woods hunting all day long! lol.
I'm so glad today turned out so well. If I pass this last test, maybe we will breeze through the next two weeks! YES, 14 days until we go to the hospital!! : ) I'm thinking, maybe, just maybe, he will want out sooner. lol. Just so he waits until after this weekend I'll be happy! : ) Tomorrow will be 37 weeks, plus I'll have one whole weekend to hunt! hehe! After next week, I'll have a week left until induction, I might start walking to see if I'll go into labor myself, or it might help move him down some more.
Tomorrow, I hope to finish our maternity pictures. That's the last thing on my list...i just hope we get it done. I've been trying to do it forever, and RB is just too busy. :)
Wow! I love your blog!! 14 days is NOT long at all!! Good luck on passing your test!