Monday, November 3, 2014

Much better tonight

Today was another tiring day, I've had a headache all day...but on the upside, I feel better emotionally. 😊 
The boys have Grandaddy his bday gift...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Can I really do this?

Today has been a day. Whew. No rest on this Sunday. I'm officially over half way through this pregnancy! I can't believe I'm having another baby. Nights like tonight, makes me feel like I can't watch all 3 alone very well. We went to a skeet shoot/birthday party. There was a fire going, guns shooting, and cars coming and going...and then it got dark too. 😁😳 All I can say, is no one else watches their kids like I do. I didnt speak very much to anyone, and feel a little crazy and exhausted right now, BUT I watched my 2 & 3 year old. 
I know now deer camp is going to be fun...NOT! Lol!!! I just wished it wasn't so close to the river. Anyway, prayers my sanity. 

On a better note: 
My kids are cuties!