Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Back to Dallas

Today RB is traveling back to Dallas to get my car and our luggage. Prayers for a safe trip with all the ice still. Ricky is driving him. 
I have visitors coming to my classroom today. They evaluating our whole school. Wish me luck!
The boys are doing much better now that we've adjusted to being home, and almost caught up on our sleep. Although, my sleep schedule lately has been 12-5:00. :(

Ryder went to the ENT yesterday, his daddy had to take him. Dr. Lower cleaned out his tube. He was such a big boy about it, and good as always. 

My goal today is to get Christmas Cards ordered!! And find an Elf on the Shelf!! I can't seem to find one. 

My two sleeping boys last night..

Popcorn and movie....

I just love them!!!

Getting Home

We made it home last night (Saturday night) at 9pm!!! I was so happy to see my boys!😊😂

My dad, mom, and the boys picked us up at Tyler, Tx. After all flights to Dallas continued to cancel, we took matters in our own hands! We had to! They gave us no choice. So long story, short... We flew to Austin, TX then rented a car and drove to Tyler, TX. MSP airport tried sending us to NYC, Atlanta, GA, and some other place! Crazy.

Anyway, I'm so so so so happy to be home with Rickar and Ryder. It broke my heart being away. I don't see how parents leave their kids all the time!!!

Now we're trying to get back on routines and get back to rules, etc. lol. They were exhausted yesterday and today! 

I love them and so glad God gave them to me! Some pics of our night after meeting them at Tyler.....

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Ready to go Back Home

Picture on the day we left. Wednesday.


Trip to Minnesota

Well, we left for Mayo on Wednesday. We drove to Dallas, then flew to Minneapolis, then to Rochester. Flying was delayed to Minneapolis because there was a bad winter storm hit. It wasn't too bad. We got to a Rochester hotel late, but we got enough sleep. Our 7 am appointment went well, neuro didn't give any news away. They moved up our neurosurgeon appointment. We got there early. He went over everything with RB and I. Showed us pictures of everything. He recommended no surgery at this time. Said if any symptoms start to progress, to call back to be evaluated. We we're letdown. We were hoping for a fix. 
Yesterday, was our flight back to Dallas. We made it to Minneapolis, and they canceled all flights to Dallas because they had an once storm. We went to the Mall of America. It's so big, we only went to a couple stores. We're both really heartbroken. We miss our boys so badly. They miss us. Rickar was so nervous and sad when we facetimed. Ryder reached out for us saying/meaning want. It breaks my heart. They've already canceled some this morning to Dallas. I'm praying hard we get to Dallas early today where we can drive home early! 
The temp here has been 10 to -25 the whole time we've been here. 

It's cold!! ❄️💨 Brrrrr

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Break! Woohoo!

Today was my last day to work until December!!! :))
I'm pretty happy about spending some quality time with my babies!!!!! (9 Days)

We gave Rickar his birthday present tonight. It wasn't put together on his birthday, so we had to wait until today. His party is Sunday! I'm praying for pretty weather. The forecast needs to change. 

His first words were, "Daddy will you put Ryder up here!?!" 😍 Mommy Happy Heart Moment!

Rickar is 3 today!!

Rickar turned 3 today! It's so bittersweet. He's so smart, and big! I made cupcakes to go to school with him. Here is a picture of the boys and I this morning. 

The boys both got good checkups today. Since Rickar did good, (last appt he kicked dr. Payne!) we got to go to Chuck-e-Cheese!

Check-up sheets:
Ryder Griffin

Rickar Bruce


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hunting Season and Sickness

The boys have a cold, and RB does too. My throat started hurting today. :/ RB hunted today though, so I don't feel too sorry for him. Lol. 😉 The boys, my mom, and I went to Texarkana today to get Rickar's birthday things. I cannot believe he will be 3 on Wednesday!! I hope to do some pics this weekend. 

Praying for health around my house! Praying for the last week in school before Thanksgiving break!!!!!!!!!

Mayo in Minnesota

We have been scheduled for the first week in December to see a doctor (two days) at Mayo. This is a really good hospital. I wish it wasn't so far away for a million reasons. The main two are flying, and I have to leave my babies. ;( I'm so sad about it. This will be the farthest, by a long shot, I've gone without them. And also the longest! We've got to get life things in order before leaving. I'm so afraid going that far, and it's going to be a challenge for me. I know it may sound stupid, but I've never liked leaving my boys. It took too long to get them, and I don't want anything happening to them. I feel like most people are too relaxed when it comes to keeping my kids. They are my everything. So, please pray for all 4 of our safety, for the minutes to go by quickly, me not to have a nervous breakdown, and for RB to get the news he wants, but most importantly God's Will and peace either way. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Neurosurgeon Rescehduled

After we took off work and went to the appointment, we got there and the receptionist said they rescheduled us for Tuesday at 8:30! :( We were both really mad because they didn't call at all!

It's Saturday, we just had breakfast! We're going to do as much relaxing as possible! ( : 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week and Weekends Busy

This week is going by fairly fast. I feel bad to rush the week. I only want to have more time with my three boys. It's been a stressful week. Lots of things going on. These past couple weekends have been busy. This weekend will be too. (Which I don't like) The week is so busy, I just wished we could relax on the weekends! It's a terrible thing IMO to have to leave the house 7 days a week! Ugh! 
Tomorrow is another neurosurgeon appointment. Hopefully, we will get news we want. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Working Cows Pic

Where has the time gone?

Rickar will be 3 years old in a month! I've got to get my party planning hat out. :) He is very smart, and very head strong. He is my little cowboy. He loves to rope and ride his spring horse. That's all he does anymore! I don't know how many times a day, I say, "Rickar, quit roping your brother!" Rickar's vocabulary is so huge now, there's no way I can list. Rickar's new favorite movie is Spirit. He still likes Toy Story, but he likes Spirit now more. He loves horses. 

Ryder is 17 months now. He's learning so much. He can say so many words. He's not as talkative as his big brother was, but close. His new words: mouth, nose, ear, eye. He says thank you, bye bye, mama, dada, mimi, Rickar, grandma, granddaddy, all gone, dog, cow, uh oh. There's more, I just can't remember. He likes to ride his rocking horse, just like his brother. 
The boys love: to play outside, eat, go to the chicken houses, and they love to visit family. 

My boys are growing up on me. It makes me sad, but at the same time, happy. I'm so blessed to be their mommy. 

Catching Up

This past month has been a blur with teaching school, two babies, RB's doctors appointments, and RB's 3 jobs....and all the stress with RB being sick. (and the normal life stresses) First off I want to say how blessed we are. We both have jobs... And we have two little blessings. (The biggest & best parts of our lives.)

RB has been having some medical problems since spring, well actually a few years, but he really didn't notice anything until a couple years ago. He didn't go to the doctor until this year. After many tests, many prayers, many doctors, and lots of bills, he was finally diagnosed. Turns out, he was born with a type of spina bifida. Yea, we were in shock. Who would have thought. He's lived a normal life, played football, baseball, and basketball. (could've been seriously hurt) He's done so many things that could have damaged everything from waste down. It's still so hard to believe sometimes. Any little injury, hurts more nerves. On top of spina bifida, his spinal cord is tethered, and all the nerves end in a big lipoma. (a fatty tumor) The big tumor has his cord stretched all the way to his tailbone. (which is way too far) It is also putting pressure on nerves, causing damages. We visited with a neurosurgeon in Dallas that specializes in tethered cords. We were nervous going into the appointment, but at least thought we would get help, some answers. A fix. He explained how he would need to free the cord from the tumor. The problem, the cord nerves are all ending in this tumor. He thought it was too dangerous to do the surgery at this time. He was afraid of damaging any of the nerves from waist down. (could affect walking, but shouldn't paralyze him, but it could) He practically couldn't give us any guarantees. He was surprised when he came into the room, and RB wasn't in a wheelchair. Without surgery or fixing the problem, the tumor and stretched out spinal cord could cause more damages, just like it already has. He said any little injury to the cord nerves, could do damage. He said just riding a horse alone could cause injury.
So now back to the beginning, it's been about a month since his diagnosis. We've spent numerous amount of hours researching, we've said many prayers, and been added to many prayer lists. There are lots of people praying for us. We have looked at many neurosurgeons, spine clinics, and research hospitals. We've looked into Johns Hopkins in Maryland, it's rated number one. Number two is mayo clinic. We've been looking into Houston. There's a spine place there. It's just so hard, and so many decisions to know where to go or what they might tell us. We really like UT Southwestern, they have very smart doctors there, and the plus side, all their employees have been super caring every time we've been there. (Even the receptionist) They go out of their way to help us! 
Wherever we go, if we find a neurosurgeon that can do this, we will have to relocate for a few weeks. (which will be very challenging, in many ways) 
He has an appointment Thursday with a neurosurgeon from Texarkana,  hopefully he can send us in the right direction. 
Until then, lots of prayers, lots of love, and lots of enjoying our blessings. 

Biggest specific prayer request: we find a neurosurgeon that can help RB. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Classroom & Salsa

I went and unpacked my classroom today. RB came to help me move the big stuff! He's so sweet! Rickar came along to help me today too! He's so smart, he was jumping the blocks in the hallway saying the colors, just like the preschoolers there! (: He really enjoyed playing with all my "toys"! And even helped a few times! I prolly won't do anymore work until the last week in July. I have a week worth of workshops, then I will start the next week in my room. So like a couple more weeks of summer break! So sad! 

I made some fresh salsa for supper with my handheld thing from pampered chef! It took like 5 minutes!

Melanie and Seth are having a sleepover tonight...it's been wild, but worth it! I love them!

Tomorrow we are going to Murfreesboro water park with a bunch of girls & kids. 

Pictures from today: 

RB had plenty of help in the chicken houses! (;

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Working Cows...

Rickar's favorite thing in the world to do right now is work cows! Even if it included getting up at 5:30am to go! 

Ryder had a blast too, and finally fell asleep. 

RB got ran over a few times this morning by calves. Once he even got knocked out of the head gate by a bull! :/ He's going to be sore tomorrow, but hopefully okay. 

Mommy & Daddy

Mommy (Darla) just finished her first year teaching first grade! It was a blast, but very trying. Starting the year with a 3 month old and a 20 month old was very hard! Especially after being a sahm for so long. The hardest part was leaving them and bring so sick ALL year! 😔😟😬

Daddy (RB) finished his first year at Farm Bureau in January. He received "Rookie of the Year" for his district! We were very proud of him. We also have a farm, Razorback Farm. RB takes care of the 4 chicken houses. We also have some land with cattle in Foreman. My husband is a busy man! 

Our two baby boys keep us on our toes, along with our full time jobs! 

We have been together 9 1/2 years, with 6 married. I can say with two boys, we look forwards to each date night as well! 😍😊💑

Update: Ryder Griffin

Ryder will be 14 months old on the 11th.

Food! ( ;
Rocking chairs
Playing with his brother
Riding things, even Rickar lol
Playing outside
Mickey Mouse 
Throwing stuff away

Scared of horses
Being held down by Rickar
Loud noises
Being still 
Sitting down while holding him
Getting dresses or a diaper change

Bad habits:

Getting into the trash
And everything else, lol.

Good things:
Ryder's ears were full of thick fluid, Dr. Lower drained them, put tubes in, and Ryder started walking better that week. He was fully walking by two weeks post op, at 13 months old. 👍

He's my little baby still! 

Update: Rickar Bruce

It's been a while, and I'm updating on my phone, so it won't be all pretty today.

Rickar- 2 years and 8 months

Checking chickens 🐓
Working cows🐄
riding horses with Grandaddy
Wearing "cowboy" pants 
iPad (making cookies)
Toy story
Mickey Mouse
Little Bear
Anything to do with farming
Riding his tricycle 
Riding his John Deere
His daddy
Country music...he sings "Rock Me 😍 Mama and "Chew tobacco, spit" song.

Naps (although, he still takes one everyday)
Going to sleep at night
Coming inside

Bad habits: 
Saying no

Good things:
He talks so well for his age! I can't count the words in his vocabulary. His newest thing is saying/singing "What What?!?" 

He's been totally potty trained for 4 months.

Gets to play with a lot: Ryder, Melanie, Blaine, Rhett, Lexie, and Reese. 

He's my little cowboy. This isn't everything, but some!